People and Culture

People of Nepal:

Nepal is the naturally very beautiful country in  the world .Nepal is ethnically diverse. The Nepalese are descendants of three major migrations. To see   the physical structure of the people, to  have three mager group of the people in Nepal.These are Mediterranean group of the people teir ancestors comming from India . The second group of  the people called Mangolain , their ancestors comming from Mangolia and the third group   of  the   people called protoaustrolize , this  is  the origenal people in Nepal.

These migrations have taken place from India, Tibet, and Central Asia. Among the earliest inhabitants were the Newar of the Kathmandu Valley and aboriginal Tharu in the southern Tarai region. The ancestors of the Brahman and Chetri caste groups came from India, while other ethnic groups trace their origins to Central Asia and Tibet, including the Gurung and Magar in the west, Rai and Limbu in the east, and Sherpa and Bhotia in the north. In the Tarai, which is a part of the Ganges basin, much of the population is physically and culturally similar to the Indo-Aryan people of northern India. People of Indo-Aryan and Mongoloid stock live in the hill region. The mountainous highlands are sparsely populated. Kathmandu Valley, in the middle hill region, constitutes a small fraction of the nation's area but is the most densely populated, with almost 5% of the population.

In Nepal, ethnical cultural groups are diverse and many of them have their own languages and customs. However, they can be geographically categorized according to their habitats. Even though, there is much migration going on in the country now and the cultural definition of the people by area is difficult. Urban population is increasing by 7% each year and most cultures have intermingled.

Nepal Culture & Religion:

"Culture is that whole , which include -knolage, belif ,art, moresrs ,custom and any other capebilities accorde by man as a member of the society."  Nepal is blessed with one of the richest cultures in the world.The culture has been called 'the way of life for an entire society'. This statement holds particularly true in the case of Nepal where every aspect of life, food, clothing and even occupations are culturally guided. Religion occupies an integral position in Nepalese life and society. In the early 1990s, Nepal was the only constitutionally declared Hindu country in the world.  In Nepali society can see really good harmoney among the people from different religion. Hindus can be seen worshiping at Buddhist temples and Buddhists can be seen worshiping at Hindu temples, the two dominant groups in Nepal have never engaged in any overt religious conflicts. Due to the dual faith practices and mutual respect, the differences between Hindus and Buddhists have been in general very subtle in nature. You will also find Christians, Muslims and Jains in Nepal. All Religions co-exist peacefully and respectfully.

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